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Tips for organizing a shared closet with a partner?

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  • gratefulheart
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2024
    • 335

    Tips for organizing a shared closet with a partner?

    Hi fellow lovebirds! Sharing a closet with my partner has its challenges, especially when our styles and storage habits clash. Any advice for maintaining harmony and organization in a shared closet space? I'm all ears!
  • MiggyB
    • Jan 2024
    • 69

    Hey there! Try to declutter together. Start by going through all of your clothing and accessories together and decluttering items that you no longer wear or need. Set aside time to assess each item and decide whether to keep, donate, or discard it. This process can help free up space in the closet and make it easier to organize your remaining belongings.​


    • LightRenz
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2024
      • 357

      Hehe sharing closet with a partner can be a collaborative and efficient process both of you can divide the closet into sections or zones for each of you. This can help maintain a sense of individual space while sharing the closet. Consider allocating specific areas for different types of clothing or accessories also discuss and compromise on storage solutions that work for both of you


      • awzome404
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2024
        • 532

        In my experience, setting clear boundaries and designated spaces for each person's belongings can help maintain organization and reduce conflicts. It's also helpful to regularly declutter and donate items we no longer use or need to keep the space clutter-free. Lastly, communication is key - discussing preferences and compromises openly can prevent misunderstandings and promote harmony in the shared closet.


        • Kennethn
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2024
          • 803

          Divide and conquer! Assign specific areas or shelves for each person's belongings to keep things organized and minimize mix-ups. Plus, it's a great excuse for a closet makeover date night!


          • maica17
            • Jan 2024
            • 64

            Hey there lovey-doveys! 🌈 Closet wars, am I right? 😅 What's been a game-changer for us is divvying up the space - like, half for you, half for me. And hooks! Hooks are life-savers. Toss bags, hats, whatever on 'em. Also, color-code hangers so you know what's yours at a glance. Less "That's mine, no it's mine!" drama. 🤷‍♀️ How do you guys keep the peace in your shared closet? Share the wisdom! 💑👗👔

